Hull Lab University of California, Davis
Hull Lab UC Davis

Kay Garlick-Ott
Ph.D. Candidate, Ecology
B.A. Biology, Pomona College
Research Interests:
I am broadly interested in how environmental change mediates seabird social behavior. My goal is to produce high-impact social behavioral research that can be easily used by conservation management to improve species outcomes. Before I came to Davis, I worked as a seasonal field technician for three years. To read more about my work or get involved, check out my project website
Follow me @kaygarlickott on X!
Personal Interests:
I like to say that graduate students usually participate in at least one of five hobbies - hiking, baking, birding, climbing, or plants. Of these, I enjoy hiking, I bird sometimes, I recently got into climbing, and my houseplants are the closest thing I have to children. Other than that, I am a big consumer of pasta.